SWU Harvest

Prepping For Pre-Release

Star Wars: Unlimited will be releasing in less than two months. Before we get to launch day, however, many stores will be hosting a Pre-Release Event. Some players who attend will be old hands at this, having attended similar happenings for other games. Some people, however, will be taking their first steps into a larger world (of Collectible Card Games). No matter which camp you fall into (or somewhere in-between), I’ve made a list of several helpful pre-Pre-Release tips to help you get the most from your first taste of Unlimited!

1. DO – Make sure you talk to the store!

There is nothing worse than planning on attending an event, only to find out that there is no room and it is sold out. Make sure you communicate with the host business to reserve your spot. If this is a store that you don’t normally play in, you can also find out if they allow outside drink or food, if they have a public restroom, and any other important questions that may come up. 

2. DON’T – Be late!

Gamers have a tendency, sometimes, to operate on our time. Plan to arrive at the shop early so that you don’t hold up the show for everyone else or, even worse, lose your seat. Also, arriving early gives you a great chance to talk to some like-minded people who are just as excited as you are about SWU!

3. DO – Eat and sleep!

The night before an event like this can be very exciting. Some of us have waited to crack some packs since the middle of last year. Even though this isn’t a grueling ten round tournament, I would recommend making sure to get a good night’s sleep. Also, make sure to eat a good breakfast and lunch (event time dependant). The last thing that you want is to be a Grumpy Gus or a Hangry Hannah.

4. DON’T – Forget to shower!

This is such a (mostly) unfair trope that I’m not going to give it too much oxygen. Let’s all be considerate and make sure everyone enjoys their time. 

5. DO – Read up on the rules!

No one is expecting you to be an expert. I fully anticipate making a few rules mistakes on Pre-Release day. Just make sure to have a good grasp of the game so that you can focus on the fun, and can help everyone else do the same.

6. DON’T – Be a jerk. 

Look, sometimes games don’t go your way. I know from personal experience that losing game after game is not exactly a blast. The thing is, this is such a low-stakes event that even the most competitive players can take a few L’s and still have a great time. There will be time for grinding out those wins later. 


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