SWU Harvest

Ranking the Spark of Rebellion Showcase Art

As degenerate TCG players (It’s okay to admit it. This is a safe space), we all love to crack packs. Even before the dark times of Star Wars: Unlimited product shortages, it didn’t matter if you were looking for your first legendary Luke or Vader, or already had a full play set, there was always a chance of finding a new hyperspace variant, or a hyperfoil legendary you could gushingly show to your friends. 

The Holy Grail? The 1-in-12-boxes (or 1-in-288-packs) leader showcase variant. As I write this, the low price for a Boba Fett showcase on TCG player sits at $989.99. Other meta leaders like Leia Organa ($775.00), Sabine Wren ($450.90), and Iden Versio ($398.99) are also through the roof. Even leaders who see little-to-no competitive play, like Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso (poor Rogue Squadron), are sitting between $200 and $300. 

We’re not here today to ask whether these showcase variants are worth buying, or whether you should sell one (should you pull one) to fund your Shadows of the Galaxy pre order. No, today we’re going to talk about what most people talk about when they discuss rampant speculation, market manipulation, and possible money laundering: art!

Because everyone loves a tier list, I’ve created a template on the Tier Maker website (link below) for ranking the artwork of the Spark of Rebellion showcase leaders. Not the strength of the leader, not where they stand in your list of favorite Star Wars characters (although that last one will surely play at least a small part), but what you think of the art. And, because art is completely objective, my rankings are correct, and the rest of you all are crazy, uncultured swine, or both. (I kid, I kid)

Andy’s List

First, let me say that I like (almost) all of the showcase art. The only piece I actively dislike is Jyn Erso. It’s a great action shot, with her whipping around to blast someone, cloak flying. It’s just that her face is too small for her head. It’s also at the far end of the “too much brown” cascade that starts with IG-88, moves through Iden (saved by the sparks and cinders of Endor) and Cassian, and finishes with Jyn. 

At the other end of the spectrum, we have Leia Organa in the Hoth command room. All of the showcases look better in person, but the Leia showcase is truly a sight to behold. 

Based on the lists of the other SWU Harvest contributors below, I’m in the minority in liking both the Grand Inquisitor and Director Krennic artwork. Like others, I wish GI was the pencil-head version from Rebels, rather than the overinflated balloon from Kenobi, but the pose, and the red and purple touches are just too good to downgrade it. Krennic’s, I think, captures his character perfectly, and Eslam Aboshady (who also did the Jyn showcase; you’re forgiven Eslam!), really makes his profile stand out from the background. 

Swunter’s List

Swunter is apparently not a fan of old men staring blankly into literal space, with Tarkin and Krennic in D Tier. And while we’re in agreement that Leia and Hera are at the top, he’s flipped Cassian and Grand Inquisitor. 

I’m not sure whether to feel sad for Swunter that he doesn’t like the art for his favorite character, Chewy, or happy that it saves him from spending roughly $400. Let’s be positive and go with the latter. 

Jon’s List

S Tier for Boba Fett and IG-88! It’s only fitting that an artist named (Amelie) Hutt would be responsible for the Boba Fett showcase. While it’s a little too washed out and pastel (it is Cloud City after all) for my tastes, that’s entirely a me thing. I also can’t really disagree with IG, since I was willing to buy one early on (for less than $100) even when I knew he wasn’t a competitive leader. His artwork is just fun. And, luckily for him, his undeployed art is even better, because you’ll only see him on his deployed side for about thirty seconds.

(Mike: Han in C is nuts, he’s some of the best art!)

Once again with the Krennic and Grand Inquisitor disrespect. Insert disappointed headshake emoji. 

Mike’s List

Another list with Boba at the top. And with Leia just behind, the princess takes the top spot for the SWU Harvest crew on average. I’m refusing to acknowledge Krennic and Grand Inquisitor at the bottom again, but Sabine in D Tier? Explain yourself, Mike! (Mike here: I don’t like the hair and foreshortening of her pistol hand. It’s just ugly. Also, my GI is from rebels and always will be. #notmyGI)

If you’d like to make your own Spark of Rebellion showcase art tier list, follow the link here. Share them in the comments, or on our social media posts. Put on your berets and striped shirts, get out your paint pallets, and let us know why we don’t know what we’re talking about, and why Grand Moff Tarkin is actually the best, and why Leia is overrated. 

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Lothal Insurgent

Art by Kevin Libranda
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May 2024