SWU Harvest

An Update on SWU Harvest

Hello SWU Harvesters! Thank you very much for your support over the last month (and some change). We are finally, finally, FINALLY almost at the finish line (or the starting line, as it were). Release for Star Wars: Unlimited is in two days as of the writing of this post. Getting a chance to write about, make videos about, and make a podcast episode about what is quickly becoming my favorite game ever has been great for all us!

… and we’re just getting started! We have been working on making some changes and adding things to make this one of the best stops online for Star Wars: Unlimited news and information (and silliness).

The Card Database

We added a Card Database! It will automatically post rollover images for cards when we mention the card in our title. Boba Fett? Bam. Pirated Starfighter? You bet! Jar Jar Binks? Eventually, that too will lead to a card image. As it stands, you can view info on the card filtering by card type, card set, and even (somewhat) by traits. We’re working on improving this functionality on our site. Remember, there are plenty of great resources (found in our Community Links section) that offer a more robust card searching and deck building experience. We just want some of that info at our fingers (and yours too!) when it is needed.

The YouTube version of our podcast, rightfully featuring IG-88.

The Podcast

We’ve gotten some great feedback on our first episode of the SWU Harvest Podcast (Episode 0, naturally). It’s a focus for us, and we want to make sure it’s done correctly. We are waiting on the next episodes to give us time to improve a few aspects and make sure that we can offer something unique and worthwhile. Or, at least unique. I am very excited about what we’re going to try. Stay tuned!

Video Content

Our YouTube channel has been on fire! Well, it has become more populated with video content from SWU Harvest! Most recently, Legendary Mike has posted pack openings from our Pre-Release events, and Jon created a video giving tips for new SWU and CCG players that has been described by one commenter as a “Stock footage fever dream”. Pretty rad!

The Future…

Now that the game is finally releasing, we’ll have more stuff to work with. Upcoming releases for the new set (Except for Hunter, who doesn’t like seeing spoilers… and that’s ok!). Adding new staffers to bring more points of view! A third thing that will also be neato (proton) torpedo! And we want to hear from you. What sort of things can we do that would bring value and be entertaining? What have we done well that we should do more of? What have we pooched completely, and should never try again?

Please let us know below, or on Facebook, or on Reddit.. just be sure to let us know. Thank you again for taking the time to take a look. We hope you open some great cards and have a blast playing in your local communities! Until then, keep on harvestin’! (That’ll never work as a catchphrase)

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March 2024