SWU Harvest

The Men, The Mythosaurs, The Legends: Spark of Rebellion Legendary Hype Check

We are less than 24 hours away from our Star Wars: Unlimited Roadshow demo day at a local game store. Which means we’re just over a month away from pre-release day. Which means we’ll then be a week away from release day. 

And you know what that means? Cracking packs. We all want to peel back the foil and find a hyperspace rare (1:15 packs) or, better yet, the mythical leader showcase (1:12 boxes; yes, BOXES). But aside from the alt arts, and the borderless variants, the real chase cards are the legendaries (1:8 packs, roughly three per display box), which have the ability to take your deck from an also-ran to a powerhouse.

So I asked the SWU Harvest Crew (SWU Cru? Is that anything?) which legendaries they were most looking forward to opening, and which they think smell worse than a decomposing tauntaun. Feel free to follow along by visiting our friends at SWUDB.com and checking out their Legendary list.

Stick around to the end; we’d like to see what you’re most looking forward to. We promise not to jack up our trade values in response. 

Andy Swurkis

Most Excited to Pull:

Boba Fett: As iconic as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are, I’m looking forward to building a Cunning Villain deck the most, and Boba is a key piece in that build. Not only does his on attack ability combo perfectly with cards like “No Good To Me Dead” (as you would expect), his low cost means he’s going to see the table early and often. What’s the point of opening legendaries if you only get to play them every third game?

Least Excited to Pull:

Change of Heart: Following the logic above around cards that are so expensive they’ll rarely have an impact on the game, it’s probably surprising not to see a capital ship here. And, believe me, I was tempted. But Change of Heart is both expensive and underwhelming. Also, as a legendary, I feel like I should be getting something better than the ability to play with someone else’s toy for a turn. 

Swunter S. Thompson

Most Excited To Pull:

Luke Skywalker: He’s pricey but the the potential to drop him at the right time and wipe out something with 6 hp or even just shut down a beefy unit for the turn will be really strong 

Least Excited to Pull:

Command: It’s not bad but none of the options are very exciting/impactful compared to something like “Cunning”.

Short. To the point. I was expecting something a little more out there given the username, but don’t worry, it’s coming.

Jonathon Swuft

Most Excited to Pull:

Mace Windu: His ambush and ability to ready when he attacks and defeats an opposing unit can begin a violent chain reaction that could cut down an opponent’s ground forces.

Least Excited to Pull: 

Home One”: It has a dumb name and smells like a sumo wrestler who has spent a July day sitting on a pile of fish sticks.

Weird. And gross. But probably accurate. Imagine Ackbar on Tatooine. 

Legendaries from Legendary Mike 

  1. The Hotness: “Millennium Falcon” – This card is nuts. On turn 2 you can pop it down, smack for three, and if it gets damaged, just don’t pay the upkeep and it goes back to your hand healed! I run three of these in every yellow deck I make and I’m sure we’re all going to be scrambling to get our hands on these.
  2. Darth !@#$%^&ing Vader – He has a nuts when played ability, you can have him and leader Vader out at the same time, he’s ambush, and he’s the most famous (infamous?) villain of all time. I don’t need to beat this horse any “ded”-er than it is.
  3. Mace to the Face Windu – His ability will be great and you can have him as your closer. He’s also ambush AND when you play him you can say, “This party’s over”.
  1. Old and Busted:
    1. Devastator”, “Home One”, “Avenger” – I just feel like they are too expensive for what they do. Unless you’re doing serious ramp, you’re going to be sitting on them a bunch. 
  1. We’ll see:
    1. Everything else. All the double aspect cards do bonkers things, but I don’t know anyone that plays mono decks. 

The legend has spoken.

What legendary are you most interested in seeing when you’re cracking packs? We’d love to hear from you! Please select the Legendary (or Legendaries) you are most excited for below. Feel free to comment on our Social Medias as well! Unti then, may everybody (except Mike) get the Legendaries they want.

Which Legendary or Legendaries Are You Most Excited For?
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2 responses to “The Men, The Mythosaurs, The Legends: Spark of Rebellion Legendary Hype Check”

  1. Mikael Bondesson Avatar
    Mikael Bondesson

    The aspect of ”healing it” will be amazing and you get it out early.

    1. The SWU Harvest Team Avatar

      The Falcon is amazing. We are all hoping to get our hands on one (or three) copies!




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January 2024